I am so amazed at how God moves! I remember when we first got to Carthage. I remember when our house here was as bare as it is now. I remember knowing very few people, and starting out on this new journey God had called us to. Now, as I look back I am thankful for all He taught us. It hasn't been easy. We have been through, and will go through again, some rough seasons in ministry, but God is faithful!
Right now I am sitting in the basement of a house that God provided for us! Ministry has taken place within the walls of this home! I am so thankful for the lessons learned in hearing my mom say over and over again "This house isn't ours, it's His! It is a tool for ministry." I have been able to see that in this home! I am listening to the sounds of a washer and dryer run. The first appliances Zeke and I ever bought as a couple! I remember thinking "I cannot believe we bought this!" But God provided! I hear the dishwasher running upstairs - this will be hard to part with (: - that was a Valentine's gift from Zeke because we had gone almost 2 years without one! But God provided for that! He has absolutely blessed us beyond what we can comprehend!
I think back to today and how we went to pick up our rental truck, and because they didn't have the car dolly ready, they gave us a discount on the whole rental! Which pretty much covers one of the many fill-ups we will have to do between here and there! I think about how packing the truck started a little slow, but within minutes we had so many people in our house packing, loading, and cleaning. How even the lunch that we were going to provide for those who helped ended up being provided to us! He is so faithful! I think about the fact that clothes that didn't need to be packed on the truck, got packed on the truck, but in a couple loads of laundry I had kinda slacked on we have what we need to make it there! The same goes for towels and blankets! He is so faithful!
It is easy at a time like this to get overwhelmed with all that will be missed - and please don't misunderstand me, there is a cost involved for those who are Christ followers! There are birthdays we will miss, but there are also birthdays we will get to celebrate! There are big life events we will miss, but there are also big life events we will get to be part of. There are people, places, and things that will be missed, but we have been called by a faithful God to go, so we will go. We could think about all these things we will miss, or we could count the ways He has been overly faithful to us during this time!
There is a verse that is on our living room wall here at the house that says "What then shall we say to these things? If GOD is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31 This has been a reminder to us through seasons of blessings and seasons of difficulty that if God is for us, if He is leading us and we are following after him living out of the relationship we have with Him, who can be against us! Who can come against our God? Who can be victorious over Him? And if He is the one that is guiding us, leading us where He wants us, who can come against that? Oh yes, there will be difficult circumstances we face, but we can face those knowing that our God has the victory! I think about 1 Thessalonians 5:24 that says "He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it." He will accomplish His purpose! I am so thankful that as believers we get to be part of that! I am so thankful that I cannot stop what I did not start! He started this! He has called us, and He will complete it, because He is so faithful!